For our very Caribbean week, it's pretty much close to freezing temperatures around here. So I chose an outfit with warm sand tones, and a dash of turquoise and some blue rocks for a bit more color.
This week I tried something different with my photos. I thought that this one wall in my bedroom was very "Caribbean" like in all its turquoise-ness, so I posed for my pictures there, instead of outside. But, I did have my very big window with a very nice winter morning light to help out. I also played around with the post processing, so today, I'm mostly proud about my photography skills than my fashion proficiency! Hope you all enjoy the pictures.
Fake Fur Vest: Forever 21 | Sweater: Old Navy (birthday gift)
Ring: Nordstrom | Necklace: gift from Vica
Esta semana eu tentei algo diferente com minhas fotos. Eu achei que esta parede no meu quarto era mais "Caribe" do que meu costumeiro local para fotos no "quintal" de casa. Mas, claro que com essa janela enorme filtrando uma luz muito agradável nessa manhã de inverno ajudou. Eu também brinquei com elas no photoshop, por isso hoje, eu estou mais orgulhosa de minhas habilidades de fotografia do que o meu look! Espero que gostem das fotos.