2013 RULES:
So we go from fashion to literature, and I hope you'll stay with us till the end of the year for another exciting challenge in the lands of non-consumerism. The rules are simple:- We will not buy ANY new books (print and/or ebook) till December 31st, 2013
- Getting books as gifts is OKAY
- We can borrow books from friends or the library
- We can re-read books we already own
- We can read books that are new and ALREADY on our to-read pile
- We can trade books
2012 RULES:
Claro que esse nosso projeto tem regras. E tem também exceções. E estamos abertas a sugestões.
- não comprar roupas, nem sapatos, nem acessórios durante o período do desafio (01/01/12 a 31/12/12). Desimporta se as roupas, sapatos e/ou acessórios são novos ou não. Não pode COMPRAR, esse é o verbo.
- cada blogueira fica responsável por criar um look do dia, uma vez por semana.
Finais de semana - quem quiser e/ou tiver tempo.
- Pode comprar roupa/sapato/acessório para dar de presente e pode ganhar de presente;
- Emergências 1: se tu só tem UMA bota de inverno (ou equivalente a algo que tu precisa para sobreviver) e ela quebra/se destrói/perde/rouba, pode substituir (ou seja: pode comprar outro item para substituir aquele que ficou inutilizável);
- pode participar de bazar de TROCA. Ou seja: TROCAR roupa/sapato/acessório pode;
- pode comprar no dia 29/02/2012 (já que esse dia não existe! hehehe);
- Emergências 2: algum evento especial (por exemplo, se você for casar, pode comprar seu vestido de noiva e sapatos novos). Mas tem que comprovar que realmente a compra é necessária.
- por 3 votos a 2 decidimos que se pode comprar acessórios pra cabelo. SÓ pra cabelo.
Pena por descumprimento:
- Quem comprar alguma coisa (fora acessório pra cabelo) - roupa, sapato, acessório, tem de pagar uma prenda: fazer 100 abdominais num dia, de uma só vez, filmar e colocar no blog. São 100 abdominais pra cada peça adquirida sem necessidade, justificativa ou motivo.
Of course that this project has its rules. And also exceptions. And we are open to suggestions.
- we are not allowed to buy clothes, nor shoes, nor accessories during the time the project is on (Jan 1, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012). It doesn't matter that these things aren't new, we can't buy (so NOT BUYING is the motto here).
- every blogger is responsible for creating a daily look, once a week.
Weekends - anyone who wants to take pictures or has got the time.
- We are allowed to gift clothes/shoes/accessories and to receive such itens as gifts from other people;
- Emergency 1: if you have only ONE pair of snow boots, for example (or something equivalent that you really need to survive) and this thing is rotten, lost, stolen, destroyed etc, you can replace it (which means you can buy a new item to replace that one that is no longer usable);
- we can participate in exchange bazars, i.e., we are allowed to EXCHANGE clothes/shoes/accessories with other people;
- we are allowed to go shopping on Feb 29, 2012 (as there is no such day! LOL);
- Emergency 2: a special event (for exemple: if you're getting married, you can buy your wedding dress and new shoes). But we'll have to prove that the purchase was really necessary.
- we voted and for 3 x 2 votes we have decided that we are allowed to buy hair accessories. But only HAIR acessories.
Penalty for noncompliance:
- Anyone who buys something (besides hair accessories) - clothes, shoes, accessories, must pay a forfeit, do 100 ab crunches a day, at once, film it and put on the blog. 100 ab crunches are required for each piece bought out of necessity, justification or reason.
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