Note: this post is bilingual. English translation at the bottom half, in italics.
Para começar, dei uma olhada no guarda-roupa e me surpreendi: tenho bastante itens verdes: 1 saia longa (a escolha do look do dia), 4 blusas de verão, 1 blusão de inverno, 1 jaqueta jeans verde militar e uma bolsa verde (que também compõe o look).
Depois, me socorri ao "oráculo" de todas nós e fui ao google pesquisar o significado da cor verde e gostei!
Segundo o site: "O verde nos cria um sentimento de conforto e relaxação, de calma e paz interior, que nos faz sentir equilibrados interiormente."
A mesma página da internet se aprofunda no tema e descreve o significado dos vários tons de verde:
O verde escuro representa o princípio da morte e é indescritível. É a negação da vida e da alegria. O verde lima ou o verde oliva podem ter um efeito prejudicial, tanto fisicamente como emocionalmente. Quando se juntam o verde e o amarelo, podem despertar sentimentos de inveja, ressentimento e posse.Seguem algumas imagens com idéias de roupa, esmalte e acessórios dos tons de verde que comentei acima, retiradas, também, da internet:
E, por fim, o mesmo site, ainda nos conta com quais signos o verde está relacionado: "A cor verde está associada aos signos de Touro, Libra, Virgem, Capricórnio (verde-escuro), Aquário e Peixes (verde-mar)", o que para minha surpresa, tem associação com o meu: virgem!
Pessoalmente adoro essas curiosidades e achei interessante dividir com vocês.
A minha escolha de hoje foi uma saia verde longa que comprei no final do ano passado na Rany (loja aqui do centro de Porto Alegre) e que eu adoro, principalmente pelo conforto, acompanhada de uma regata branca da Marisa e um cinto azul, também de alguma loja do centro de POA.
A sandália de tecido jeans foi presente e, apesar de alta é muito confortável.
Para completar o visual, a bolsa do look da semana passada, faixa no cabelo comprada na beira da praia do Rio de Janeiro e pulseira jeans.
Depois dessa semana VERDE me dei conta que as cores tem significado (talvez esta seja a razão de usarmos preto em velórios, branco no ano novo, etc...) e que podemos utilizar elas a nosso favor, o que acham?
As you probably already know, each week we have a theme and this week the theme is the color green. I must confess that I never had much intimacy or closeness to this color ... say that "nothing in favor and none against," therefore I decided to do a little study on this color.
To begin with, I looked inside my closet and I was surprised: I've got more green items than I thought: a long skirt (which I picked for today's look of the day), 4 summer blouses, a winter jacket, a denim jacket and a green military bag (which also composed my look).
Then went to google (our modern oracle) and searched for the meaning of green and I liked it!
As you probably already know, each week we have a theme and this week the theme is the color green. I must confess that I never had much intimacy or closeness to this color ... say that "nothing in favor and none against," therefore I decided to do a little study on this color.
To begin with, I looked inside my closet and I was surprised: I've got more green items than I thought: a long skirt (which I picked for today's look of the day), 4 summer blouses, a winter jacket, a denim jacket and a green military bag (which also composed my look).
Then went to google (our modern oracle) and searched for the meaning of green and I liked it!
According to the website: "Green creates a feeling of comfort and relaxation, of calm and inner peace, which makes us feel balanced inside".
The same website delves into the subject and describes the significance of various shades of green:
And finally, the same site, tell us to which zodiac signs the color green is related: "The color green is associated with signs of Taurus, Libra, Virgo, Capricorn (dark green), Aquarius and Pisces (sea green)", and to my surprise, this color is associated with mine: Virgo!
Personally I love these curiosities and found it interesting sharing with you.
My choice today was a long green skirt I bought at the end of last year in Rany (a store here in downtown Porto Alegre) and I love it, mainly for comfort, accompanied by a Marisa's white tank top and a blue belt, also bought in downtown Porto Alegre (or POA, as we call the city).
The denim fabric sandal was a gift and, although the heels are high, it is very comfortable.
To complete the look, I chose the same bag from last week's look, headband that I bought by the beach in Rio de Janeiro and a jeans bracelet.
After this GREEN week I realized that the colors have meaning (perhaps this is the reason of wearing black for funerals, white on New Year's Eve etc.) and we can use them to our favor. What do you think?
The same website delves into the subject and describes the significance of various shades of green:
Dark green represents the principle of death and is indescribable. It is the denial of life and joy.Lime or olive green can have a detrimental effect, both physically and emotionally.When you join green and yellow, feelings of envy, resentment and possession can be aroused.Here follows some ideas of clothing, accessories and nail polish in shades of green I mentioned above, also taken from the internet:
Personally I love these curiosities and found it interesting sharing with you.
My choice today was a long green skirt I bought at the end of last year in Rany (a store here in downtown Porto Alegre) and I love it, mainly for comfort, accompanied by a Marisa's white tank top and a blue belt, also bought in downtown Porto Alegre (or POA, as we call the city).
The denim fabric sandal was a gift and, although the heels are high, it is very comfortable.
To complete the look, I chose the same bag from last week's look, headband that I bought by the beach in Rio de Janeiro and a jeans bracelet.
After this GREEN week I realized that the colors have meaning (perhaps this is the reason of wearing black for funerals, white on New Year's Eve etc.) and we can use them to our favor. What do you think?
Amei as fotos! O look tá lindo!