Note: This post is bilingual, English translation at the bottom half.
Semana passada estive ausente pois, como a Vica comentou, meu pai está hospitalizado e ainda requer cuidados.
Confesso que fiquei um tanto quanto triste
de não ter tido tempo para compartilhar com voces o meu visual do dia (ainda
mais na semana de tema livre) e, é por isso que, enquanto o meu pai dorme um
pouco, escrevo aqui mesmo do hospital.
Renda é o tema da semana e pasmem: eu não
tenho nenhuma peça sequer deste tecido! E não é porque não gosto, mas porque,
na minha opinião, a renda deve ser usada com cautela, sendo um complemento do
visual e não tive a sorte de achar uma peça deste tecido que combinasse com o
meu estilo.
Assim, já que a compra de uma peça de renda
só poderá ocorrer no ano que vem, para esta semana montei um look com o trio:
Bolerinho: Rosa Chá, empréstimo Jeane (nossaconvidada da semana passada)
Sapato: Cravo e Canela, empréstimo da minha amiga Vanessa
Blusa: Hering, presente amigo secreto de natal.
Espero que tenham gostado! Que tal tentar
montar um visual com peças de doação, emprestadas ou presenteadas?
Registre e mande pra gente!!
Last week I didn't post, because as Vica said, my dad is in the hospital and he still needs care. Honestly, I was pretty upset for not having had time to share with you my outfit from last week, and that's why, while my dad sleeps a little, I write from the hospital.
Lace is this week's theme, and shocker: I don't have any item in this fabric! And it's not for not liking lace, I do, but it's the kind of fabric that should be used cautiously, to compliment the outfit, and I've had no luck finding an item in lace that matched my style.
So, since I can only buy something made with lace next year, I had to create a look with a little help from my friends!
Last week I didn't post, because as Vica said, my dad is in the hospital and he still needs care. Honestly, I was pretty upset for not having had time to share with you my outfit from last week, and that's why, while my dad sleeps a little, I write from the hospital.
Lace is this week's theme, and shocker: I don't have any item in this fabric! And it's not for not liking lace, I do, but it's the kind of fabric that should be used cautiously, to compliment the outfit, and I've had no luck finding an item in lace that matched my style.
So, since I can only buy something made with lace next year, I had to create a look with a little help from my friends!
Skirt: a donation from my cousin Helena
Bolero: borrowed from Jeane (our guest blogger from last week)
Shoes: borrowed from my friend Vanessa
Shirt: secret santa gift
Bolero: borrowed from Jeane (our guest blogger from last week)
Shoes: borrowed from my friend Vanessa
Shirt: secret santa gift
Adorei o look, Mi, super feminina!